The Importance of Positive Thinking
Kalangan Sendiri

The Importance of Positive Thinking

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Philippians 4:8

From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise.


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm150[/bible];[bible]0John10[/bible];[bible]iChro11-12[/bible]


The verse above affirms the importance to put positive things in our minds because it can impact our lives. Our minds may determine our words and deeds. If we have positive thinking in our minds, then we will have good things in our lives.

The Apostle Paul advised every believer to fill their minds with anything that is true, holy, just, pure, lovely, pleasant (good) and worthy of praise. The only way to have a positive thinking is we must obey the word of God. This is what the Apostle Paul did: "We are bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ," (2 Christ 10:5 b).

Conquering our minds to the Christ means that we fill our minds with God's Word every single day. With the word of God, we are led to always think positively. That means the true and positive mind is a provision of God to declare His love and power in our lives.

What about you? Is your days still filled with negative thoughts such as feeling worry, fear, anxiety, despair and etc? Leave them out now! Do not let the devil invade and destroy our lives by spreading negative things in our minds.

We should be able to fight it! Bring all the burden of problems to the Lord! The key is in our minds, not on the hands of others.


Ikuti Kami