Can Christian Meditate?
Kalangan Sendiri

Can Christian Meditate?

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Psalms 1:1-2

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm93[/bible];[bible]0Luke14[/bible]; [bible]Danie7-8[/bible]

Today, meditation from east such as yoga has been practiced by many people including Christians who are willing to find spirituality and relaxation. Those who meditate usually sit in certain position in order to make their mind refreshed. But, that kind of meditation is not suitable with what God desires on us. In the Bible (English version), we can find a term of meditate, but it is not equal to what the world is teaching nowadays.

East stream resource teaches that salvation is within our selves, and the roots of human problems is not a sin against God but as the result of ignoring the condition of our truths. In order to find the divinity within our selves, we then need meditation and the achievement of 'a higher form of consciousness'. Even in order to achieve enlightenment, someone must extinguish all sense of the flesh, but the Bible never ordered it ([bible]roman12:1-2[/bible]). By emptying ourselves through meditation, it will open up a gap against the spirit of deception and spiritual slavery.

Sense of "comfortable " while doing yoga can be a gateway to further danger. Even yoga teachers warn that yoga can open a person on a dangerous spiritual and physical experience.

Sinful man could not find the answer to his condition through "awareness searching to a higher level." On the contrary, humans have to put their faith in what Jesus Christ is doing in our lives.

In the English version of the Bible , the term 'meditate' can be found with the following meanings: meditating on the Torah (Josh 1:8 ; Psalm 1 : 2 ), meditating on the Lord (Psalm 63:7 ), contemplating an act of God (Psalm 77:13) ,meditating on the word of God ( Psalm 119:15,78) ,contemplating on God’s provisions ( Psalm 119 : 23,48) ,contemplating the promise of the Lord (Psalm 119:148) ,and contemplating the work of the Lord ( Psalm 143:5). From these verses we see that the meditation on the Bible clearly has a purpose in God (His word, His person, or His command).

So, meditation in Christianity is not a self-emptying, self-seeking tranquility and escape from all the problems. Meditation in Christianity is to build relationships with God and His word. This is a kind of meditation that God wants Christian do: meditate on God's word day and night - establish a relationship with God.

If humans are able to achieve the enlightment within their selves, then God never send ‘His begotten Son’ (John3:16) died on the cross and redeemed our sins so that we get a new life and hope of eternity through Christ’s ressurection. We can not resurrect our selves from the death.





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