Being Fall is the Blessing
Kalangan Sendiri

Being Fall is the Blessing

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Deuteronomy 32:11-12

Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft. The Lord alone led him; no foreign god was with him.


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm88[/bible];[bible]Roman16[/bible];[bible]Deute23-24[/bible]

Condor known for its incredible endurance and ability to survive, get through the storm, the strength of the wings flapping until the top hunter. One of the most remarkable is the ability to care for and teach it to their children.

Ever since I was a baby, the mother condor will keep its nest strictly which is in top of hill, along with other necessities which have been ready provided. But when its time come for its child to learn to fly, the mother will overturn the nest by 'without feeling' which has become a convenient shelter for her child.

Her all children will freefall face sharp steep rocky hill. But just before they touched the ground, the mother will swiftly grabbed her child, took its child flying high into the sky, and dropped her child back. These things commenced over and over until her child’s wings become strong enough and eventually her child was able to fly alone.

Its process that seemed so horrible, but save a great purpose and a plan for the survival of their children. It is same with us! If at this time we are having exams, sometimes struggle so unbearable, remember that we are experiencing the touch of Christ through some processes which will save us even be a blessing to others.

So, do not rush to blame circumstances or God for your current struggle. Recognize it as a learning process for us to receive the blessings and promises of Christ in the future.

Ikuti Kami