Having an Understanding of Duty
Kalangan Sendiri

Having an Understanding of Duty

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

John 6:38

For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.

Bible Reading For A Year:[bible]Psalm75[/bible];[bible]Roman3[/bible];[bible]Numbe33-34[/bible]

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, He was cheered up. It had been a tradition to welcome outsiders at that time [bible]Psalm118:26[/bible]. However, its greeting is different of all. They cheered Jesus by spreading their cloaks and branches on the road. They want Jesus to lead them to grab the victory of Israel back.

In this situation, people tend to be lulled by flattery mass easily. However, Jesus was not lulled by their flattery. He knows exactly the mission that He owns. Although there are some tempting flatteries, it does not change His initial goals. It also happens when He had to face His challenge of suffering. Even, He had once been worry when He was in Gethsemane; but He eventually had the death met head-on.

A democratic leader should have listened to people in taking his decision. There is a term, “vox populi vox dei” (the voice of the people is the voice of God). However, not all of them are true. Its often occurs to people who have not been able to think critically and rationally. In this situation, a leader must truly know his vision and mission so even though mass are flattering at him, he is not delirious and when he faces challenges, his nerve is not deterred.


Leadership is not about a position, but a duty that must be carried out.  

Ikuti Kami