The Panic Button
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The Panic Button

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Isaiah 30:15

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; in returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm109[/bible];[bible]0Luke21[/bible];[bible]Judge5-6[/bible]


“Push the panic button” is an English idiom referring to taking action in a horrible situation, frightening or confusing. Maybe this life is going to be easier if it have panic button made. For it will help us in urgent and even in terrifying situation.

The fact is panic apparently can make each person being miserable. There is a great lost ahead. We know that panic has negative impacts. However, there is always problem which make us panic. As a sequence, we often get into panic and not come to Lord.

David had once been in a panic situation. When his both wife were trapped in Amaleks’ attacks whom stoned them until they died. However, David did not choose to be panic at that time. David gave himself up to God and prayed in order to find the best way out from any problems which quickly happened.

We could find its result together, the next day David could lead his armies and attacked Amaleks and he eventually could deliver his wives. Moreover, everything that has lost, including his people and his plunders, now came back without any lost.

However, David’s decision to choose giving his whole life to God and not to be panic brings him to the goodness for his people and himself. It also takes him getting out of difficult situation and then be an outstanding winner.


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