I Still Believe

Chord Lagu / 18 July 2012

Kalangan Sendiri

I Still Believe

Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Pencipta Lagu : Jeremy Camp 

Album : I Still Believe The Number Ones Collection (2012)


I Still Believe adalah salah satu yang dimasukan Jeremy Camp dalam album kompilasi yang baru dirilisnya di tahun ini. Bahkan lagu inilah yang dijadikan sebagai judul album teranyarnya.

Untuk Anda ketahui, I Still Believe merupakan lagu pertama yang ditulis Jeremy Camp pasca istrinya Melissa Lynn Henning meninggal pada 5 Februari 2001 karena menderita kanker.

Lagu ini sendiri sungguh indah dan benar-benar menyentuh hati. Semoga Anda diberkati lewat setiap apa yang ditampilkan disini - lirik, chord, dan video lagu I Still Believe.


D = do


Intro : D A/C# D/F# G


D             A/C#       D/F#           G

Scattered words and empty thoughts

D          A/C#           D/F#    G

Seem to pour from my heart

D               A/C#   D/F#      G

I've never felt so torn before

D         A/C#                       D/F#    G

Seems I don't know where to start


           Bm             A        G

But it's now that I feel Your grace fall like rain

                  Bm       A                      G 

From every fingertip, washing away my pain


Reff :

D           A/C#            G

I still believe in Your faithfulness

D           A/C#            G         

I still believe in Your truth

D           A/C#           G

I still believe in Your holy word

D             D/F#    G                D

Even when I don't see, I still believe


Verse II : 

D                A/C#            D/F#           G

Though the questions still fog up my mind

            D          A/C#             D/F#    G

With promises I still seem to bear

D               A/C#         D/F#   G

Even when answers slowly unwind

      D              A/C#            D/F#    G

It's my heart I see You prepare


           Bm             A          G

But its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain

                 Bm         A                      G 

From every finger tip, washing away my pain

*back to reff


Bridge :

      Bm             A            G               A

The only place I can go is into your arms

      Bm                    A               G      A

Where I throw to you my feeble prayers

    Bm            A                     G              A

In brokenness I can see that this was your will for me

G                                 A

Help me to know You are near

*Back to Reff - ending


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2ZuVtA7Vyk8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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