Rejoice As We are Free People!
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Rejoice As We are Free People!

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Galatians 5:1a

It was for freedom that Christ set us free

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm49[/bible];[bible]titus3[/bible];[bible]isaia51-52[/bible]

The people of Indonesia have just celebrated the anniversary of the 68th of this country yesterday. Most of them- if they may not claim - seemed happy and pleased.

Some typical games of independence day (17-Agustusan) were held at various levels of neighborhoods. Not only the children, but the young and parents are so happy in this circumstances.

Indeed, this circumstances should also be our response to freedom, especially to spiritual freedom. We no longer need feel accused of sins that are actually forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ.

When we repent and accept Him as Lord and Savior then we need to convince ourselves that we are already free. Do not listen to the voice of demon that terrorized by words that we will continue to commit sin and may not be forgiven by the Lord.

Rejoice and serve the Lord with all of your heart. By doing this, the devil will be upset since any tactics to destroy our lives do not work anymore.

Everyone who realizes that himself has already been freed by the Lord Jesus Christ must rejoice!

Ikuti Kami