A Lesson from the Potter
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A Lesson from the Potter

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Jeremiah 18:6

He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm31[/bible];[bible]iThes3[/bible];[bible]Isaia15-16[/bible]

One day, Jeremiah went to the potter’s place and saw how he worked making a vessel. If it is broken, then the potter would fix it, according to what he thinks it is right. Then Jeremiah noted that God assumes His self as the potter.

When God rebukes us for our sins, we feel ashamed, guilty, and angry. But, when we want to change, then it is not impossible for God being regret to give the calamity.

In other word, please remember while you are in a comfort zone, when everything is going fine, or what we think it is good, however it is not. God want to build and plant us, but if we commit something bad and do not listen to His voice, then we should be careful.

The point is, it is not about the place where we are in, but have we already done what He wants us to do day by day? How the end of our lives is, it is up to us. Do we want to be in a happy time although it is just for a while or be on His track and keep shining? It is up to us.

If our lives are broken and messed up, let God be the potter who make His vessel right. But, if our lives have already been on His track, keep it up. A good ending will bring a good result, but do not forget to look at the process.

Is there any hole in your life? Is there any crack that should be repaired? It is time for us to ask God repairing that damage and being a vessel that is ready to be formed according to God’s will


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