Drift by The Currents Away
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Drift by The Currents Away

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Hebrews 2:1

Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm22[/bible];[bible]Matth22[/bible];[bible]Isaia1-2[/bible]

There have been many incidents where someone is playing on the beach but suddenly swept away by ocean currents, and not least of those who eventually lost their lives.

According to oceanographers, many victims dragged on the shoreline because their feet do not step on strongly and could not hold on to anything. Moreover, when swept away most people would panic and try to swim over backwards, in fact, at that time its currents’speed can reach 80 km/h. If only the victim can remain calm, the possibility that he could return to the surface and saved will be greater.

It is similar to the conditions on the beach, human often simply swept away by the current of the world since they do not have a strong foothold of the truth in their spiritual life, so when strong currents coming suddenly, he could not reach anything that can hold onto life.

That is why the Apostle Paul reminds the church through the Hebrew not to be washed away and to listen heartily the teaching they heard so that their lives are built on the basis of true faith, the salvation in Jesus Christ. He also affirmed that Jesus Christ is a strong and a safe anchor for our souls ([bible]Hebre6:19[/bible]), and a definite guarantee for our salvation.

Therefore let us live in the truth with our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ now ([bible]Hebre12:2[/bible]), and carry the cross diligently as what the Christ has already showed.


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