You Are My King

Chord Lagu / 26 January 2012

Kalangan Sendiri

You Are My King

Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Pencipta Lagu          : Chris Tomlin


A= Do


Intro: A 


Verse: (2x)

F#m       D  E

I'm forgiven   because You were forsaken

F#m        D   E

I'm accepted,  You were condemned

F#m          D   

I'm alive and well


Your spirit is within me

Bm                 E                   A

Because You died and rose again



A                 D

Amazing love, how can it be?

F#m                                 E

That You, my King. would die for me

A                      D

Amazing love, I know it's true

F#m                     E

Its my joy to honor You


A                   D

Amazing love how can it be?

F#m                          E

That my King would die for me

A                  D

Amazing love I know it's true


Its my joy to honor You

Bm         E

In all I do


I honor You


*Back to Verse (1X)

*Back to Chorus (1x)




You are my king

You are my king

Jesus, You are my king

Jesus, You are my king



A                 D

Amazing love,   how can it be?

F#m                                 E

That You, my King, would die for me

A                D

Amazing love,  I know it's true


Its my joy to honor You


A                   D

Amazing love,   how can it be?

F#m                                 E

That You, my King would die for me

A                D

Amazing love   I know it's true

F#m                      E

Its my joy to honor You

Bm         E            A

In all I do I honor you



Bm         E             A

In all I do  I honor you


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