God Gives Me a New Strength

Our Impact / 8 September 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

God Gives Me a New Strength

Naomi Febriani Official Writer

Ibu Diah is a loyal respondent of Solusi TV, she always shares all the problems that she encounter in her life with Solusi team through SMS, and always asks for prayer support, not only for her own life struggle, but also for the well-being and struggle of her big family. Not long ago, her sister suffers from neuropathy and suddenly experienced memory loss, almost like a person suffering from mental illness.

Everyday Ibu Diah contacted Solusi team to pray together, so that God’s miracle can be realized in her life of her younger sister. Almost two weeks later, another news came from her informing Solusi team that her sister was touched by God. The doctor told the family that her sister was only suffering light stroke and could still recover, with some abstinences. Ibu Diah’s faith in the Lord is indeed amazing. Even though she had to go deal with a lot of difficult problems, she always makes sure to only rely on God. Ibu Diah also expressed her gratitude to the counselors of Solusi team for having been listening to her complaints and supporting her in prayer.

There are so many people who need a place to share their stories and find support in prayer, because of that our Solusi counseling team is ready to help you. You can support our ministry by joining us today as a CBN Partner. Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960.

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