From the Impossible to a Miracle

Our Impact / 4 July 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

From the Impossible to a Miracle

Lusiana Official Writer

Every person is bound for a journey, be it a journey to their office, recreational spot, a restaurant, or other places. Because of that, we can conclude that the significance of a journey is the moving from one place to another for a particular purpose. That being said, living together with God, relying on Him is itself a journey; a journey from a normal life to an extraordinary one full of His miracles. This is what Ibu Ratna has experienced when she decided to fully commit to relying on God.

Ibu Ratna had a dream to buy a big house for her mother. Obviously, buying a house requires a huge amount of money. She even thought at that moment that it’d be something impossible for her to afford, but Ibu Ratna had a new hope and faith that were fortified after calling Sahabat 24. Today she is sure that God is capable of bringing her from an impossible point to great miracle. And indeed, it didn’t take long before her wish was fulfilled by the Lord!

“Thank you counselors of Sahabat 24 for the prayer support. God has really realized my dream to afford a house for my mother through unexpected ways. I could buy a new house with only 15 million down payment, without having to resort to bank loan, without mortgage (KPR), and with affordable installments. God is indeed amazing!” said Ibu Ratna.

Ibu Ratna felt that her amazing life with God is like a journey towards a beautiful destination. Of course Ibu Ratna did not forget about the role of Sahabat 24 to always give support and prayer during the wait. Don’t you also want to spread this hope with many other people through Sahabat 24 ministry? You can do it today by joining us as a CBN Partner! Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960.

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