Leadership As Something that Demands Maturity

Latest News and Events / 19 March 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

Leadership As Something that Demands Maturity

Lusiana Official Writer

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Matthew 20:28

Acting like children. This was the behavior exhibited by Jesus’ disciples when debating who among them was the greatest, the most deserving one to be the leader. The disciples all wanted to occupy the position of leadership. A position that demands maturity, but they still view it as a realm that revolves around themselves, “me”, “myself,” “my own ego.” Leadership is welcomed only as a chariot to satisfy their own personal interest and ambition.

Fortunately, Jesus corrected their view. True leadership does not focus on one’s own self, but something that puts the good of many before one’s own. The driving force for true leadership is humility and the willingness to serve others (Matthew 20:26-28). A true leader is always willing to put aside his or her own interest in order to make greater contribution for the good of many. Jesus said that leadership was not about the position, but about the action and motivation of the heart.

Many of us are eager to move forward as a leader. But the problem is, what serves as the foundation for us to pursue the chair of leadership? Is it for the sake of the privilege that comes with the position or for the sincerity to serve others? Is it for personal gain or because we are truly eager to bless others by making personal sacrifices? Are we ready to become a leader who humbles himself/herself for the sake of others?

Being a leader is a majestic calling that truly comes from God. And thus, it takes a person who really can humble himself/herself to be used by God in serving others.

A true leadership focuses not upon self-interest, rather the good of many. You can also take a real action today by trying not to focus solely on yourself. Instead, you should help many others to find a solution in Christ. One way to do so is by joining us as a partner and spread the solution and hope that anyone can discover in Christ. Sign-up today as a CBN partner by filling in this form below or by sending us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960.

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