The Importance of Trust

Our Impact / 8 September 2017

Kalangan Sendiri

The Importance of Trust

Lusiana Official Writer

A buyer orders an item online, but he opts to conduct the payment process face-to-face with the seller because he/she wants to check the condition of the item first. This is also done by the buyer to make sure that he/she does not fall into a fraud. If the buyer is satisfied with the item he gets from the seller, there is a good chance of that he/she would become a loyal customer to the seller, thanks to the great service that he/she experiences.

Whether we realize it or not, the action taken by the buyer as illustrated just shows how crucial it is to build trust. Once trust is established, loyalty would immediately follow. It is easy to understand this simple illustration because in a transaction, the trust between the buyer and the seller is always a must. But what about in other cases or contexts? Is it possible for two parties who are not yet familiar with each other to build trust and loyalty? The following testimonies below may give us an answer:

“I feel like having a family in CBN. I contact Sahabat 24 from time to time to do counseling. Thanks to Sahabat 24, I learned to release forgiveness upon my family.” Grace, 0815742xxxxx.

“Recently, my husband had to receive treatment in the hospital for diabetes. I could only contact Sahabat 24 in the restroom because the hospital was very crowded at the time. To the counselors, I cried out the burden in my hearts and asked them to support my husband’s recovery through prayer. One time, I also asked them to support my son/daughter in prayer so that he/she could be admitted into a public school. Praise the Lord, my wish came true and now my son/daughter could go to the school, which is located really close to our house. There are so many positive changes that I saw in my kid ever since I’ve started praying more often. Despite usually being a quiet person, he/she was appointed as the class rep, who’s in charge to lead a class prayer session while bringing his/her Bible.” Lisbet, 0812102xxxxx.

Just like our slogan “A friend in every moment,’ Sahabat 24 always strives to serve anyone in need of help, wherever they are, anytime, through any media. Sahabat 24 is a consulting ministry that CBN dedicates for those who are desperately in need of spiritual support and guidance. Our ministry, who also provide direct counseling visits, have a lot of counselors who are always at the ready to serve you 24/7. Even though our counselors may not be personally familiar with our clients, we are always loyal to help and support them. Why? Because we believe that in God there are always support, joy, and hope. At this opportunity, we’d also like to ask you to support our ministry by joining us as CBN Partner. The monthly donation you make as a partner will help us in bringing our programs to inspire others. Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960. Join us today and make an impact!

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