The Premarital Sex Phenomenon among Teenagers

Our Impact / 2 March 2016

Kalangan Sendiri

The Premarital Sex Phenomenon among Teenagers

Lusiana Official Writer
From different places, hundred thousands of Solusi viewers gathered in front of television screen to see how God transformed the life of Ribka Sri Rahayu, a former escort girl who found true love through Christ. By His love and guidance, Sri was able to meet Melky Sembung, a man whom she met in church that would later become her partner for the rest of her life. Melky would be the one to help Sri grow in Christ and to accept Sri despite all her flaws. You can see Sri’s complete life story here

Of course, no woman has ever dreamt of becoming an escort girl. But Sri already had to live without attention and love from her parents ever since she was very young. In her teenage years, Sri was already deep in karaoke and nightlife business. It was not long before premarital sex became a normal thing for her.

But Sri is not the only one. In fact, lately premarital sex has been a phenomenon among teenagers in Indonesia. According to the 2013 data by the National Commission of Children Protection (Komnas Anak), 63% of teenagers in Indonesia have already committed sexual outside marriage bond. Among these girls is another girl who underwent transformation just like Sri, let us call her Dina.

Lacking attention and love from her parents were also the reason for Dina’s fall into the habit of premarital sex. Dina admitted that she felt only emptiness day after day. Sex only served her a temporary release, and once the thrill and excitement were gone, only restlessness and discontent remained. However, through Solusi, Dina’s heart was touched. Upon watching Solusi for the first time, tears rolled upon her cheek. Dina felt something that she has never felt before—peace and harmony. She later decided to call CBN Counseling Center and asked for guidance so that she could know more about Jesus start anew. Nowadays, Dina is guided by a church cooperating with CBN so that her faith in God can continue to grow.

Thank you CBN Partners, your continuous support has helped Solusi to always be there for those in need. It is by your support also, that testimonies of many people who are transformed in God can be broadcasted to inspire millions of others. We believe, there will be more women like Sri and Dina who will benefit from this program. For those of you who are not yet a part of CBN Partners, we invite you today to join us. Together, we can become channel of God’s love for the redemptions of many others.

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