A True Story of Bambang, a Man who was Addicted to Sex
Sumber: jawaban.com

Family / 5 March 2014

Kalangan Sendiri

A True Story of Bambang, a Man who was Addicted to Sex

eva Official Writer

My name is Bambang Nugroho. When most people think home is the best place to live, it does not make sense for me. In my opinion, home is alike a hell as I was used to seeing my parents did violence.  I once went home late due to fighting with someone. When my father knew it, he scolded me, putting me into bathroom, hitting my head with a dipper and flushing my head with the cold water.

For I could no longer live in that house, I decided to run away and lived in prostitution areas. I worked as a procurer and had a girlfriend who was a prostitute. In order to grow my business, I used black magic.

Its result was incredible and it made me being addicted to sex more and more. Furthermore, I also used drugs. Though my life was completely ruined, I still loved my mother. In order to please her, I did her request to marry a woman she chose. I had no love to that woman and as a result, I divorced her.

In 2008, I remarried someone else without love for the sake of my child and I was still not changed. However, one day I once had a willingness to change. My wife was faithful and it encouraged me to end all this bad dream.

When I was being confused, I had bad news coming from my mother. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and taken care in hospital. I came along and looked after her in saba all days. When I was in hospital, I saw a strange man whom was used to visiting my mother. He is a pastor and his name is Abraham. He was not only visiting my mother but also praying for her all days until she passed away.

In my grieving, I was motivated to looking for God. I wanted to feel His love. One day, I attended a Sunday service and felt His presence. It impressed me so well and then I ventured to confess all I had done to my wife. Amazingly, she forgave and received me.

“Now I have a new life. I always keep my heart and mind when seeing women wear indecent dressing. “I am genuinely powerless but God enables me. My hope is not in vain and I feel living with God is simple if only we cling on Him. I was used to living in occultism and wasteful life. I am feeling peace now and it can not be purchased by any material things.  I am never ashamed to share my past as I have already been the new man in God,” said Bambang

Sumber : jawaban.com/Eva
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