The Danger of Gossip
Kalangan Sendiri

The Danger of Gossip

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Proverbs 20:19

A person who talks about others tells secrets. So avoid anyone who talks too much.

Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm21[/bible];[bible]iCori12[/bible];[bible]00Job20-21[/bible]

Today, gossip has been one of usual activities yet it does not apply to certain community. Who are they? Do you know that gossip is a serious problem before God?

Gossip is one of meaningless words and dangerous as it could give bad impacts and harm you. Either someone’s life or good name of people talked about, gossip also destructs life of people who are gossiping.

The words of God obviously warn us to stop these bad habits. Remember, there is a time for our every word shall be accounted before God, “By your words you will be found guilty or not guilty.”(Matthew 12:37).  

Hence, anyone of us who like gossiping should repent if we do not get any troubles in the future. Let our words be good, meaningful, constructive, entertaining, and powerful so that those who hear it will have grace and the name of God will be magnified through us.


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