Does Christian Believe to Genie?

Kata Alkitab / 19 December 2012

Kalangan Sendiri

Does Christian Believe to Genie?

eva Official Writer

My little children, keep yourselves from false gods (1John 5:21)


Does Christian believe to genie? Or what is the Christianity’s opinion about genie? For Christian, genie is Satan or evil spirits who control an area or territory. Genie is not as told by the fairy tale of 1001 nights or Aladdin. The big forbidden or taboo for human is by fellowship or playing or trying to know or associate with genies.
 Christianity or the Bible clearly states that genie is demon as intended in [bible]Levit17:7[/bible], [bible]IIChr11:15[/bible], and [bible]Isaia13:21[/bible]. According to these verses, the type of these demons live in the desert and managed to deceive and intimidate nations, so that those nations are afraid, subdue and sacrifice animals or do some ritual homage to those genies.

But the true Christians should not subdue to them just like most people who subdue and hang out with those demons. Moreover, all prophets were never dependent and strive with those angels and genies. If some prophets had been visited by angel, however the prophets and saints have never prayed to angels.

One of the most powerful demon tricks is deceiving people about things mystical and magical things including genie. Satan managed to deceive people so that people subdue and strive with genies. Even some people do ritual worship and commit themselves to genies.

This has never been done by some people of Israel who were led by Moses. They misunderstood what the Lord commanded about the sacrifices so that they sacrifice their offerings to devils. Therefore Lord forbade them to subdue and to strive with genies [bible]Levit17:7[/bible]. The Bible says those who strives, subdue and worship genies are same as adultery.

Did you know that the Hebrew language of genie is ryes sa’iyr or res sa`ir (pronounced: saw-eer 'saw-eer') which means demons are denoted with a hairy goat and identical with something obscene.
There are other verses written about genies. That verse is Isaiah 34:12-14 and Isaiah 13:21. This verse speaks of the areas that have been destroyed or condemned by God because many of the people of God live in continual idolatry so that area or city becomes desolate and become the den of demons (genies) which are depicted by wild animals like crow and owls.

In Jesus, there is no more punishment and ban on things that are external like should not eat this and should not go to that place. But the Lord Jesus has no any tolerance for occult (magic, witchcraft, paranormal, divination, mysticism, inner power, the supernatural, strive with genies or angels), idolatry, immorality, hypocrisy and hatred.


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