My Life was Destroyed Due To Trusting Fate

Family / 11 February 2014

Kalangan Sendiri

My Life was Destroyed Due To Trusting Fate

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

My name is Tan Wei Liem. Since the 1980s, I had car sale business. However, in 1991, because banks hardly gave the candidate of debtors credit, many buyers could not pay down their credits to me. As a result, I was chased by the bank that I borrowed money from.

I feel stuck because I could not pay the mortgage. Finally, one of my friends persuaded me to ask a paranormal for help. I agreed with him. However, I was so disappointed after meeting the paranormal because he did not say anything. He merely gave me three pieces of paper—two of which were burnt and mixed with liquid, and I had to drink the solvent. The last piece of paper was given to me and I put it in the wallet.

Day after day, nothing happened. I was in drowning in debt. I already gave up with this situation. However, in the midst of my hopelessness, one of my relatives urged me to visit a paranormal from abroad. I followed his words.

But I was disappointed for the second time. The paranormal did not give any way out. My house was about to be seized pretty soon. I was confused and suddenly my wife told me that our son fell sick.

The doctors in the whole Jakarta have already given up—they could not heal my son. Hence, my wife and I decided to take our son to Singapore. Knowing that we did not have enough money, I borrowed about 2.000 dollar from my mother, and she lent me.

We arrived in Singapore and went to a hospital. It turned out that the paramedics gave up as well, and they asked us to bring our son home. However, when he arrived in Indonesia in March 2004, our son passed away. I was so depressed and hopeless. It was terribly sad.

When I was so miserable, I met a close friend named Herman. I told him everything that has been happened to me. When he heard my story, Herman invited me to go to church and attend a service. Then I followed his suggestion.

After the service, I bought a cassette contained a sermon, entitled ‘Destiny and Fate’. I played the cassette at home. The sermon was so inspiring, yet I have not made decision to accept Lord Jesus personally on that day. In the next service, I finally accepted Lord Jesus personally. I was committed to Lord Jesus to leave my trust in fate and fully surrender my future to Him.

“After I repented, God changed my destiny. I used to have no money, but now I am able to buy one more house. In 1998, I sent my child to study abroad. So, God is really good! God leads my life path. The most important things are: surrender to God, fear of God, trust God in everything… and the God will change our destiny,” Tan Wei Liem told the story of his life changes after he put his trust in God.



Tan Wei Liem



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