What was Jesus Thinking on the Cross

Latest News and Events / 4 June 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

What was Jesus Thinking on the Cross

Lusiana Official Writer

On the cross, Jesus forgiven His enemies, forfeited all His rights, and shown mercy and compassion to those who were full of sin. Because He wanted them to receive atonement.

Compassion, this is something the world really needs today. The world is in need of a person who can reach out to them by God’s love. But love and compassion have deeper meaning than a mere sympathy, it means doing something for someone’s sake. Compassion is the reason God gave the world His only son. And as such, His entire ministry on earth is moved by compassion. Multiplying bread and fish, healing the sick, expelling demons and raising the dead. Compassion is the reason why Jesus took the road towards the cross. Compassion is what Jesus wants to share through every single one of us.

Maybe you’re saying, “But I possess no such compassion and love!” But you do, because the spirit of God resides in you and He is the ultimate source of love and compassion! Reflect on His compassion until it emerges from within you and let it burn! Jesus has sent you to reach out and touch this world where compassion is scarce today. If not you, who else will do it?

Let us together touch this world with God’s compassion by joining us as a CBN Partner. CBN Partner are those who contribute through monthly donation to reach out to other people across the world through CBN ministry. Sign-up today by filling in this form below or by sending us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960. Your willingness to sign up as a partner will open up new channels of blessings to the people of this nation.

Halaman :

Ikuti Kami