Destroying Our Life-Binding Fortress

Our Impact / 6 April 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

Destroying Our Life-Binding Fortress

Lusiana Official Writer

What is a life-binding fortress? Bram Manusama, a pastor in a church in Australia defines the concept of life-binding fortress as something that can come in the form of misguided belief; something that has been integrated deep inside an individual that is capable of shaping his/her characteristics. If left unchecked, this life-binding fortress will become more fortified and harder to bring down. Worse, it can even begin to manifest as changes in physical traits, this is something that really happened in the life of Amos in his following testimony.

Amos once suffered from total paralysis and complication on his body. Strangely, this total paralysis was something that just came suddenly to him out of nowhere. He had tried many efforts and forms of medical treatments, but none could work until it became too difficult for Amos to bear financially. In such a desperate situation, Amos became reminded of all the mistakes and sins he had committed in the past. He used to repeatedly abandon the way of God and commit a lot of sins. This was the life-binding fortress that trapped Amos life at the time. Upon realizing his past mistakes, Amos decided that he wanted to truthfully repent and return to the way of the Lord.

With this newfound resolution, every time Amos watched an episode of Solusi, he would contact Sahabat 24 (The Counseling Center of CBN) to ask for prayer support from the counselors. Amos took the necessary step to bring down the life-binding fortress that trapped him. One day, something amazing happened. Around 5 am in the morning, blood came out from his mouth and anus. Although at first Amos was stricken with fear by this sudden event, it only revealed later to be a part of a miracle. His body became better not long after. And eventually, Amos could finally walk again. He was truly joyful for experiencing such miracle.

If at the moment you still feel trapped in a life-binding fortress, always remember that you actually have what it takes to destroy it as God always accompanies you. Unfortunately, many people out there are unable to do so because they are not familiar to the love of God. This is your life calling. Join us today as a CBN Partner and together with CBN ministry, we can help those who are trapped in their own life-binding fortresses. Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960.

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