What Our Children Need the Most

Latest News and Events / 26 February 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

What Our Children Need the Most

Lusiana Official Writer

What parent will deny working very hard days and nights in order to provide the best education for their children, or to buy them high quality clothes, or to give them entertainment that makes them happy? No one. And if you’re a parent, then you are no exception as well. But have you ever wondered if you have given them the best thing that they truly need and not just what they simply desire? Proverb 22:6 can serve as a good reminder to every parent.

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverb 22:6

Parents should realize that the primary needs of their children are not food, drinks, games, gadgets, or other forms of entertainment. What is most important for the children is for their parents to educate them of what is right, what does not stray from the Lord’s way. Sitting down together, learning, and applying the ways of truth, faith, and obedience to the Lord is the most important thing. It is something hard to find these days, especially with the advancement of technology that seems to be able to replace the role of parents in their children’s lives. That is why we dedicate ourselves to serve as a helper to parents, children, families, church communities, and even generations through our every program and ministry. Support us today by signing up as a CBN partner! Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960.

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