The Image of a Friendship

Our Impact / 8 February 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

The Image of a Friendship

Lusiana Official Writer

One morning, a woman could be seen standing at the corner of a gallery, staring at a neatly arranged painting illuminated by a small light in front of her. She had quite a serious expression and her gaze penetrated deeply into the painting. The painting was one which depicted the image of two close friends. Yes, perhaps the image captured by the painting is what one may call the image of a true friendship. Beautiful, obviously, but that was not what kept her gaze fixed onto the painting. For her, that painting reminded her of another friendship that is really unique. This is the kind of friendship very rare to find; the friendship between Ana and Sahabat 24.

Ana was a friend of this woman. She often got into conflict with her husband because Ana’s husband refused to perform his responsibility to support his family and fulfill their daily needs. This forced Ana to fill her husband’s shoes to support her family. Feeling tired, Ana one day discovered Solusi TV program for the first time and was hooked by the testimony delivered in the program. She watched the episode to the end and wrote down the contact number posted on the screen at the end of the program. For that woman, what Ana did was unique. This was Ana’s first encounter with Solusi, quite coincidentally even, and yet she decided to send an SMS confessing her issues to Sahabat 24, without holding any suspicion. In fact, she felt a great joy after getting a response from Sahabat 24 even though they had never known or met each other face to face. Is this not an amazing thing?

Two figures who had never known each other before could strike a friendship and understand the other’s suffering. And don’t forget the fact that Ana and the counselor of Sahabat 24 only got in touch through SMS. This is amazing indeed! A couple weeks later, Ana once again send an SMS to Sahabat 24 to inform a joyful news. Thanks to the prayer supports from Sahabat 24, Ana has got a new job as a nurse, and with this job she can finally support her family well. Ana is really grateful that God let her meet Sahabat 24, so she could learn more about God in an amazing way.

A friendship can strike anywhere, anytime, and between anyone, this is the principle that Sahabat 24 keep with great faith: to serve as a true friend in every moment. For Sahabat 24, Trust is key in serving our respondents. If Ana has already experienced by herself the presence of Sahabat 24, now is your time to spread this good news to many other people by signing up as a CBN Partner. The donation you make through monthly donation will a hundred percent be used to bring Sahabat 24 to those in need. Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960.

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