Free from Financial Struggle

Latest News and Events / 11 September 2017

Kalangan Sendiri

Free from Financial Struggle

Lusiana Official Writer

What is financial struggle? Let us review the following check list:

1.    Your money never stays in your account for long.

2.    You get easily tempted by 72% discount or other such sales, which always drains you out of money.

3.    You always want to buy from street vendors, but now you no longer have enough money from your daily or monthly budget.

4.    You have a lot of bills to pay: housing bills, electricity bills, water bills, vehicle tax, phone bills, etc. which makes it even more difficult for you to save or manage your finance.

5.    Every time a promo advertisement for cheap holiday package comes to your desk, you can only bite your nails because you could no longer afford it. But the simpler question to ask is: when is the last time you have a vacation? If your answer is six months or a year ago, you are very likely in a financial struggle.

If you are going through the experience as illustrated above, you can be said to be in a financial struggle. It’s a condition where poor financial management makes enjoying life very difficult. Financial struggle can hit pretty much anyone, from teenagers and high-school students, to educated professionals. You can be said to be financially independent only when you no longer have debts; when your daily needs are always fulfilled on time; when you no longer feel afraid to meet people because you owe them money; and more importantly, when you can spend time away on vacations.

But you need to possess a certain degree of financial awareness if you want to be free from financial struggle. Make sure to keep track of your monthly expense and always adjust accordingly to optimize it. Cut down on extra expenses, and don’t get easily tempted by sales or discounts. If you really have to borrow money, find a no-interest loan or credit. Do not rely solely on your job as the primary source of income. Make sure to make investments as well. This is a way to diversify your income, be it regular or periodically. Also remember to put aside some money and donate them as offerings as an expression of gratitude for the blessings you receive from God.

The fact is, making donation to support God’s work on this world is the best expression of gratitude you can offer. The contribution you make, the seed you sow, God will return it to you tenfold. That is why, at this opportunity, we’d like to ask you to join us as a CBN Partner. As a partner, you will support our many inspiring programs. Fill in this form below or send us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960. Make an impact today with

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