What Will You Do if You Get Lost?

Our Impact / 19 June 2017

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What Will You Do if You Get Lost?

Lusiana Official Writer
Have you ever lost your way somewhere along the road? Getting lost is quite a dreadful experience, especially if we get lost somewhere foreign to us. Whenever we get lost, normally the first thing we do is consulting our GPS or asking a random passerby for the right direction. But what if we lose our direction in life? With whom do you consult it? Please read this following testimony from Nia about discovering a “GPS” in her life after seeing Solusi program.

Nia is a loyal viewer of Solusi on SCTV, who experienced recovery after hearing the true story from Bapak Anggorosih, which she felt was very relatable with her own life. Nia, who was addicted to drugs during her youth, said that she lost her way after getting involved with a bad working environment. It began with her move to a foreign city to her in a search for a new job and get better income. Unknown to her, her job as a clerk in a karaoke pub turned out very different from what she imagined. She had to serve her guests and consumed drugs with them. The demand from this job got her lost in a loop of sins. She was stuck in the job for about a year, despite never feeling comfortable and at peace in doing it.

“At that time, I would want to quit my job, but I was scared. I was scared of my boss and I was too embarrassed to return home to my home town. I was worried with what might happen if I had no job, or that it would embarrass my family. I am only an elementary school graduate, I thought my neighbors would definitely mock my return.” Said this woman who once refused an offer from her boss to consume drugs. Thankfully, at one opportunity, the holy-spirit moved her heart to contact CBN Counseling Center, Sahabat 24 after hearing the testimony from Bapak Anggorosih in Solusi program. Nia would want to be transformed through the program, to be released from her tie with drugs, and to get a solution for her life problem. To the counseling team, Nia confessed that she was disappointed with her parents who never really cared much for her. Throughout her life, Nia had to stand on her own so she could not do much.

After her phone counseling session, Nia became aware of her mistake. She realized that she has stuck around in a bad place. Eventually, after receiving prayer supports and confessing her sins in front of God, Nia found the right path out from the tie of sins that bound her.

By being open, God will surely give us aid and recovery

She began to minimalize her drug consumption until she could finally be released from it. She then quit the karaoke pub for a better job.

“After being supported in prayer, I could finally be at peace. Thank you Solusi for caring about me and my worthless life. Thank you for all the answers to my problems. I’ve definitely come to the right place and right people.” Nia, 0822821xxxxx

That concluded Nia’s testimony to CBN Counselor through SMS. Through Nia’s story, we are all reminded

God is the only way out for every problem in life

If you feel like losing your direction in life at the moment, believe wholeheartedly in the Lord for a way out of your problems. Do you feel blessed by this article? If yes, then multiply your blessings by sharing this article to your relatives and family so they can experience the same blessing.

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