Do Good by Donating Unused Stuffs

Latest News and Events / 20 March 2017

Kalangan Sendiri

Do Good by Donating Unused Stuffs

Lusiana Official Writer

Ideally a house is a comfortable place that is clean and neat. But sometimes, when we get too eager at collecting items, our house can become crowded and cluttered. How to address such issue?

We have to make sure that our wardrobe is filled only with the essentials. A lot of people fill their closet with excessive items hoping they would somehow find a use for them one day, but most of them ending up never being used anyway. Always remember to periodically clean our wardrobe and try to be more disciplined at categorizing and picking your items. Always try to get rid of unused items or items that do not bring back pleasant memories. You can throw or donate them away or sell them in online stores. If those items can no longer be sold, don’t return them to your wardrobe. Just donate them, share them with others who may find them useful.

You can also donate unused items from your house to Generasi Zeru Garage Sale. You can use them to support Generasi Zeru Movement, a creative counseling program dedicated to help our youth to achieve their dreams. You can find more info in this poster.

Picking unused ones from your piling items may be a fun activity to do together with your family, as it can strengthen your bond and bring harmony. It may also help you in teaching the value of sharing to your children. One way to do sharing is by making a donation to support our programs as a CBN Partner. Who are CBN Partners? They are those who help support our programs and project to spread the good news about God’s love and salvation. CBN Partners also support CBN to provide discipleship material to local churches or youth spiritual community. Start sharing today by filling in this form below or sending us a message in this format below JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960. Do Good, Donate!

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