The Beauty of Imperfection
Kalangan Sendiri

The Beauty of Imperfection

Yenny Kartika Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Romans 9:20

“My friend, I ask, ‘Who do you think you are to question God? Does the clay have the right to ask the potter why he shaped it the way he did?’” (CEV)


Bible Reading for a Year [bible]psalm115[/bible]; [bible]icori3[/bible]; [bible]judge18-19[/bible]


Nowadays, in order to be more beautiful or more handsome and be like the favorite idols, plastic surgery is very common is our society. Some people focus on dieting in order to get slimmer or even fuller. Of course there’s nothing wrong with doing exercise for a healthier body, but if you do so in order to be accepted by others or to be more confident, then it is wrong.

God created us with our own wonderful uniqueness and abilities, as well as unique personality and physical appearance. But as we look to ourselves and we feel bad of some parts of or the whole ourselves, it’s like a vessel talking to its potter, “Why did you create me like this?”

When you reject yourself, you are in essence rejecting God, because he’s your creator. When you don’t accept yourself, it’s rebellion against God. You’re saying, “God, I know better than you. You should have made me different, with a different set of strengths and a different set of weaknesses.” But, are we smarter than Him? No, we aren’t.

Whenever we doubt God’s love and wisdom, we always get into trouble. The root behind all of your problems is that you don’t trust God. You don’t believe God really loves you. You don’t believe that he really has your best interest at heart. You wish he had made you something different. As a result, there’s a spirit of bitterness in you that keeps you frustrated.

Today, let us be reconciled with ourselves and with God. Remember that, We are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and God Himself formed and covered us in our mother’s womb (v. 13). Know and believe that no matter who we are, God has a best plan for us. He never has bad plans for his creations. We are precious in His sight and we have been honorable (Isaiah 43:4).


We are God’s masterpiece; He has created imperfect us beautifully.

Ikuti Kami