Meditation, When Reflection Focuses On God

Kata Alkitab / 10 November 2013

Kalangan Sendiri

Meditation, When Reflection Focuses On God

eva Official Writer

According to KBBI, meditation means focusing mind and feeling in order to achieve something. Meanwhile, according to Wikipedia, meditation is an activity of flicking through minds, thinking, and reflecting.

In another word, meditation delivers us out of good and bad mind suffering which deals with our clinging to mind and other assessment proportionally.

However, is meditation also done by Christians? The answer is yes, Christians also do meditation. It is stated by David in his Psalm. Read [bible]Psalm1:1-2[/bible].

If meditation which is done by earth focuses on oneself, nature or other things, then meditation that is done by Christians is about a contemplation to God. Its focus is God, what He said, and what He did in our lives. We usually know this as daily devotional, even there is possibility for us to reflect His words out of it.

What does make us to meditate His word even day and night? There are surely advantages that we may get and all of them are stated on Psalms 1:3, “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”

The result of our meditation to God can yield success in everything we did. Isn’t it awesome?

If earthly meditation can generate at least spiritual peace, then our meditation to God can yield everything, success in every aspect and it would bring some great differences in our lives.

Are we recently trying to soothe our souls and let it fed up? Do we recently lose control in our lives? Are we lately lost? Try to come to Jesus, the Creator who knows our heart, our situation completely and He will give us rest. Rest assured, meditate on Him is much more precious and it can satisfy our souls more than anything.

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