Home CBN Updates November 2022

Thanks to Prayer, Farmers in Tablolong Successfully Harvest Seaweed From CBN


As a form of CBN's concern for those who lost their main livelihoods as seaweed farmers after Hurricane Seroja in 2021, CBN through the Humanitarian Division (Torch of Blessings) provided seaweed cultivation assistance to parents of Superbook students from GMIT Amanau Tablolong, Kupang – NTT. 

CBN gives a ton of seaweed seeds. They spread the seeds on twenty-two ropes in hopes of harvesting within 45 days. In the process many pests such as fish, turtles, and fungi damage their seaweed. As a result, out of twenty-two ropes, only 9 ropes remained. 

This condition makes them sad. Hopes of a harvest began to fade. The CBN team made this group of farmers aware that they must invite God along in every process of their work. They ended up praying together every day and gaining wisdom to move the seaweed to another location. After more than a month, they witnessed the power of prayer occur. The remaining nine ropes of seaweed returned to twenty-two ropes. 

In October 2022, this group of farmers has harvested three seaweed ropes. The first harvest, in the form of one rope, produces 150 kg of seaweed which when dried becomes 15 kg. While the second harvest, in the form of two ropes, produces 60 kg of dried seaweed. 

Watch the video below: 

Thank you CBN Partners, thanks to your support, CBN services can have a broad impact on people's lives. Continue our support in your prayers and sprinkles. 

Ikuti Kami