Home CBN Updates November 2022

CBN Prayer Center Strengthen Priston Simangunsong Who Is Desperately Looking for a Job


God continues to work in His miraculous way through our CBN Prayer Center media outreach. One of this ministry that was so inspiring was experienced by Priston Simangunsong. 

One month after resigning from his job as a shipbuilder, Mr. Priston has yet to receive an interview call. This man from the city of Siantar, North Sumatra began to feel hopeless. He judged himself a failure because he thought he would not be able to provide for his family without working. Meanwhile, savings are running low. 

He never forgot to pray that God would answer his struggles. Unfortunately, God has not yet granted his prayer. One day, he began to ponder and thought God would definitely answer his prayers if many people prayed for him. That's when Mr. Priston remembered the CBN Prayer center contact number he got while watching the Superyouth show we produced on Youtube. Then he reached out and asked for prayer support from the staff on duty at the time. Not giving up, mr. Priston continued to contact CBN Prayer Center several times. 

For Mr. Priston, CBN Prayer Center is like a friend who is always ready to listen, support and pray for him during those times of struggle. So he remained hopeful that God would answer his prayers and he would get a new job. What he believed happened, he was finally accepted to work as a freighter. 

Thank you CBN Partners because this testimony is the fruit of your support for our service. Let's invite friends and relatives to support CBN Prayer Center to be used by God to help more souls who need prayer and guidance.   

Call: 0815 9655 960 to become a CBN Partner   

Ikuti Kami