Home CBN Updates March 22

Through Sahabat24, God Restores Helda Aryanti's Heartache to Her Father


The conflict faced by Helda Aryanti, a 31-year-old single woman from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara and her father got worse after her mother died in 2019.

As an only child, losing her mother was a big blow for her. Especially considering the condition of his relationship that did not get along with his father so far. Because since childhood Helda has been educated hard by her father.

Until one day the father's anger exploded, until the words crossed Helda's heart.

'Useless child!' said her father. Conflict after conflict continues coloring their family relationship every day. Unable to deal with the hardness of her father's heart, Helda chose to leave the house.

Being away from a father figure made Helda take time to reflect and think. Although filled with disappointment and heartache, there was an urge from her heart to face the conflict with her father with prayer and fasting.

When Helda started looking for information about the correct way of fasting according to the Bible. Until he found the article through the Jawaban.com website and from the article she read it was listed the contact for the Sahabat24 Prayer & Counseling Service.

On November 16, 2020, she contacted the Sahabat24 Prayer & Counseling Service via Whatsapp message. Then began to share about the problems she was facing.

After being served by Sahabat24's counselor, Helda felt that her burden had been lifted. The guidance given at that time succeeded in changing Helda's paradigm that as a child, she could not change the situation. No matter how bad the father's character that God has entrusted to her life, she must accept and forgive.

She was also compelled to clear up her heartache and disappointment first. Inevitably, Helda decided to pray and to fast so that God Himself would change her father's heart. The good news arrived, on March 10tth, 2021, Helda excitedly shared the changes her father had experienced to Sahabat24. The father who was previously harsh and harsh, now spoke softly and more attentively. Even their communication became warm.

Helda believes that the changes experienced by her father are the result of her decision to give up forgiveness for her hurt. Until finally God himself worked on her father's heart.

She is grateful that through Sahabat24, her relationship with her father can be restored. Do you have a longing for Sahabat24 to be used by God to bless many people, please support this ministry by becoming our working partner. Please click the link below.

Ikuti Kami