Home CBN Updates March 22

It is time to commit to doing God’s Will.

Pesan Bulan Ini

May peace always be for us all!

Last month, we learned to understand God's word from Isaiah 55:8-11. God's plans are not ours. He had dreams and plans for such an extraordinary generation. We as believers must make this dream come true. This world is indeed full of 'good ideas', but what we do must be in accordance with God's Idea. We must connect with God's mind and heart. Therefore, let's start this year as we rise together to create a generation that fears God and has an impact on many people!

As experienced by Nehemiah in the book of Nehemiah 1:1-4. At that time, Nehemiah saw that his people were desperate and were in great trouble. Just like us, where we see today's younger generations being bombarded with many worldly things. They begin to question the Bible and its truth, do not fear God, prefer worldly things, and so on.

1. SEEK the heart of God

Jeremiah 29: 13 'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart' teaches us to seek God. God said ask and it will be given to you, therefore we must restore our prayer hours. Let's overcome the mountain that hinders our relationship with God and rebuild our relationship with Him, so that we know His plans better and are able to carry them out.

2. HEAR the voice of God

Hearing and seeing his people in distress, Nehemiah immediately sought God. He seeks God's heart, and when God speaks to him, he listens. What God needs is our hearts that want to hear and listen to Him. When God speaks to us, we are certainly given strength and courage.

3. Do the will of God

His will is Yes and Amen. There is no plan B, only the Great Commission. Therefore, we must ask God for his strategy because He is the one who puts His dreams in our hearts. We must do God's work diligently and passionately!

Are you ready to rise up with us for the sake of creating generations who love God, love God's word, and have an impact on many people? Let's commit together to realize God's dream for generations in this nation. God bless.

Chairman of the CBN Indonesia Foundation

Mark McClendon

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