Being Intimate with Father

Kata Alkitab / 7 June 2012

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Being Intimate with Father

eva Official Writer

This, then, is how you should pray:” Our Father in heaven, hallowed is your name (Matthew 6:9)

Jesus has promised a new relationship and being intimate with Him and the Father. Jesus prayed, “That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us (John 17:21).

In this case, Jesus does not want us to lose our identity and consciousness in God, we are in Him and He is in us, however we are still two characteristics apart. Jesus was explaining that we have an intimacy with the Father.

For its intimacy, Jesus said that we are supposed to call Him “Our Father.”

Jesus may tell us, “When you are praying, tell, “O Lord.” It shows His inevitable authority upon us. However, Jesus wants us knowing something which is much more than His only powerful authority.

Jesus may tell us, “When you are praying, tell, “My Lord.” It will show His sovereignty upon us. But, Jesus wants us to know something much more than His only authority unto our lives.

Jesus may tell us, “When you are praying, tell “Dear Lord.” At the age of Jesus, its mean is same with “teacher”, and it will show God’s guidance. But, Jesus wants to show off something that much more than His way in teaching and guiding our lives.

Jesus may tell us, “When you are praying, tell, “My shepherd.” It will tell about His concern to us. However, Jesus wants to offer us much more sanctuary than compassion which only comes from a shepherd to His flocks.

Rather than its terms, Jesus prefers to choose using a term which speaks about an intimacy with God. Jesus tells us to call Him, “Our Father.”

When you start to pray, you are alike to a son of King who comes before his Father. The guardian does not impede the son and there is none bothering him. He is son of King. He has a direct entry to the King as both of them have a relationship. King is the father of the son. When you are praying “Our Father”, you know that you are His, and He is yours. You are connected to Him.

What is the relationship between the Father and the son? It’s about intimacy.

How do you feel when you have an intimacy with someone, parents, spouse, friend, or brother or sister? If you are intimate with one of them, you will feel and think together. You will love same things and love to hang out together. The intimacy is about the unity.

Our Father’s prayer offers you the unity with Lord.


Sumber : | Eva Gultom
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