The Longing of a Mother

Our Impact / 29 September 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

The Longing of a Mother

Naomi Febriani Official Writer

Ibu Rusmi’s heart was torn upon seeing her only son, Elwin, got into bad social environment with punk kids. Elwin who used to be polite, nowadays is temperament and got big piercings on his ears. Every day, Ibu Rusmi told her son to repent and realize that what he does is not good. But Elwin only grew more bitter and rebellious the more his mother talked to him, even to the point of leaving his house.

Amidst her anxiety because her son had not yet come home, Ibu Rusmi discovered Superyouth program in television, and she immediately took down the number to their call center, as she was impressed by Superyouth that is so focused on positive youth activities to achieve their dreams. She contacted Superyouth team asking for prayer support so that her son would go home and gather once again with his family. She really wanted Elwin to praise God through his musical talent.

Praise the Lord! After three weeks of wait and praying, Elwin eventually came home. Ibu Rusmi was really grateful to God because her son could come home well. Elwin began to listen to her and no longer rude to her. Ibu Rusmi felt a great joy because of God’s great might to transform Elwin’s heart. She then recommended Superyouth program to Elwin so that her son could find his calling in God.

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