The Fatherly Love that Illuminates through Dark Past

Latest News and Events / 31 January 2018

Kalangan Sendiri

The Fatherly Love that Illuminates through Dark Past

Lusiana Official Writer

I am the second son of three siblings. From when I was in Middle-school to college, I have been doing stupid, even crazy stuffs, often to the disappointment and frustration of my family. I turned my home into a gathering place for my schoolmates where we watched porn together, leading to my suspension from school. This was not the end of it, as I would later got expelled from school for drug abuse. Again and again, it was my parents who had to stand up for my misconducts. Entering college, I went deeper and deeper in my drug abuse to the point where I became involved with its distribution. I really enjoyed when society accepted me for that power and influence that I got from drugs. Although I had to get in trouble with the cops, my parents were the one standing up for me. They helped me get out of trouble even though they had to deal with shame and disappointment.

But all of that were not enough to get me quit my bad habit. At one point, my girlfriend got pregnant due to the unhealthy nature of our relationship. One thing that really burdened me at that time was not about taking responsibility for her pregnancy, even though I considered it quite important. Rather, I was very afraid to come clean to my parents about it. I could not imagine how they would feel knowing what I did, and what they might do to me once they found out. I thought I’d get kicked out from home, or other bad possibilities might happen. But when Joanna and I finally told papa about it, what happened really surprised me. This was the moment of turning point in my life. Papa told me that he wanted me to just give birth to the baby and that he would be supportive of my decision to have a family. From the marriage, pregnancy, and building my family, he would help me through all of that. Because at that time, I still had no job. But he also told me that if I wanted to abort the baby, he would also support my decision.

“LET ME BEAR ALL YOUR SINS.” It was this single statement of his that shattered all the darkness within me. My heart was torn to pieces. Only then did I realize that I had been living too far from the light, and how much suffering it had inflicted me. I felt no peace, always in constant fear and emptiness that I filled with drugs, unhealthy relationship, everything that was temporary. My father’s almost reckless and seemingly stupid sacrifice for my sake only made me understand the way God has sacrificed Himself to get me back. This is the love of a father. God, the creator of everything in this universe, truly loves me and every other individual on this earth. The light that was once lost from my life began to find its spark once again, and it has illuminated my life until this point. Every aspect of my life is miraculously transformed, effortlessly fulfilled by God. Personal character, marriage, relationship with my children, ministry, finance, and even my big family underwent a significant transformation in their lives. All began from my father’s love who was willing to sacrifice everything for me, sparking the light within me to illuminate my surrounding and eliminate the darkness. “We are created to be the light of the world, and the light of Christ is the love of Christ!”

The above article contains a short confession from Raditya Oloan, one of the hosts of Generasi Zeru. Because our father in heaven has sacrificed Himself for us and illuminate the darkness within us. What would be our response of faith to this great sacrifice? This is the perfect moment to spread this light of God’s love in the lives of many. Sign-up tody and join us as a CBN Partner by filling in this form below or by sending us a message in this format JC # Full Name # Email to 081.5965.5960. You are sharing the light of God, the love of the Father upon this nation.

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