Only Needs Falling into A Deep Sleep
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Only Needs Falling into A Deep Sleep

eva Official Writer
Show Indonesian Version

Genesis 2:21

So the Lord God caused the man fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh.


Bible Reading for A Year:[bible]Psalm73[/bible];[bible]Roman1[/bible];[bible]Numbe29-30[/bible]

The verse above tells of how Adam was alone and not getting a helper whom was equal to him. Adam was given power to rule the earth and everything in it, and naming all living things, but he did not find a helper. Of course at that time Adam was alone.

If we become Adam, we might wonder, how can we relieve loneliness, if we just live alone in this world? Are we worry when we had no place to tell everything, friends to laugh or cry together, a family who can support us, or the people who care us?

But what did God do? God made Adam fell into sleep. Maybe that's why humans need sleep when it is viewed from the spiritual side. Humans need to stop feeling anxious for a moment, frustrated, anxious, fear, or other bad feelings. Humans need to stop and the Lord will work.

While Adam was sleeping, God created Eve, a helper who was equal to him. While sleeping, God can do good things in our lives. What we need to do is to sleep soundly. Do not hesitate for His work in your life. However, after sleeping, thank Him always. Although the situation has not seen good, messy and tangled like strings, believe that God has worked. Thanksgiving that comes from the heart will please God and also make your days be fresh.

When Adam did not find a helper who was equal to him, God put him to sleep and created Eve. We need sleeping even to release us from the burden of life and after that we will see the problem has already been solved.

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