Tom Holland, Keluarkan Buku Tentang Lahirnya Islam
Tom Holland, Keluarkan Buku Tentang Lahirnya Islam
Dalam buku terbarunya yang berjudul 'The Shadow of the Sword', Tom Holland menulis bahwa agama Islam adalah sebuah agama yang datang dari agama lainnya seperti Kristen, Yahudi, dan Zoroastrisme....more>>
Mon March 5th, 2012

Tom Holland, Released New Book Talking About Islamic History
Tom Holland, Released New Book Talking About Islamic History
In his new book 'The Shadow of the Sword', Tom Holland write that Islamic is a religion comes from others religion such as Christian, Judaism, and Zoroastrism. He said that what Mohammed wrote is like what Homerus, a philosopher from Greek?s wrote....more>>
Mon March 5th, 2012

Rico Andhika 1 September 2020 - 22:45:30
Saya mohon bantuan doanya untuk diberikan jawaban ... more..

Edward Budi Setiawan 1 September 2020 - 12:24:55
Supaya Yesus, memberkati, mengurapi & menyertai se... more..

Adi Fitrio 28 August 2020 - 12:39:11
saya meminta doa dari saudara saya adi fitrio deng... more..

Lawrence Fabian Jerangku 19 July 2020 - 23:26:45
Saya meminta doa kalian berserta isteri saya menga... more..

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