A True Story of A Queen of the Witch who Sold Her Soul
Sumber: jawaban.com

Family / 13 January 2014

Kalangan Sendiri

A True Story of A Queen of the Witch who Sold Her Soul

Yenny Kartika Official Writer

If you watch movies about evil witches that are very popular nowadays, it turns out that they are real. Doreen Irvine has experienced living as a witch and worshipping Lucifer. In her time, she was known as a queen of black witches of Europe.

“I cursed people,” Doreen admitted.

She had a huge, evil empire where she was worshipped and feared. But beyond that, she was born in poor family, and her father used to hit her mother.

“We were so poor. We don’t have any furniture; we don’t have any bed to sleep. My father used to hit my mother and I often saw her with the cut lips and bruised eyes. My mother left me when I was young. She left all of us.”

Bitterness grew. When she was 18, Doreen was already on the street. She was trapped and became a prostitute, a heroinatic, and a thief. Soon she fell into the more sinister place, a place where she would sell not only her body, but her soul.

“They worshipped Lucifer and other gods. They told me that the gods were so amazing. I was also taught on how to worship Lucifer. A chicken was slaughtered and they collected the blood in a cup. They cut my hand, and the blood was also collected in the cup, and I had to drink it. I also had to sign a vow that I would worship Satan all my life. I had to follow the terms and obey all my life.”

By serving Lucifer, Doreen got a power to move objects and be disappeared. She was able to read people’s mind and what they would say.

“In rituals, we had to bring fresh bodies of dead people. We believed that by sacrificing the bodies to Satan, our power in black witches would increase.”

Doreen had gained power and authority from Satan, but there’s one thing that she could not get from Satan: sincere love from other people, one thing that she really needed.

“Nobody really loves me. Nobody.”

One particular night, she was asked to disrupt a worship service, but when she was arrived there, she was shocked by a biblical message about love.

“There was a young singer who came to front and started singing: “Nobody cares for me like Jesus does…” While he was singing, I was reminded of myself when I used to be in Sunday School. I could even hear my Sunday School’s teacher said, “Would you give your heart to Jesus, Doreen?” And I replied, “No, Ma’am!” And then I saw myself, living on street. I saw myself along with other witches in a temple of Satan. I saw every part of my life, just like a film.”

At that time, a preacher stood in the platform and started preaching. “If you want to accept Jesus tonight, He will break your bondage, set you free, open your eyes, and give you a brand new life!”

“Wow! This is my second opportunity!” Doreen said.

But the devil did not let her go. He told Doreen, “You are mine! You cannot be saved! You are mine!”

“At that moment, devils stood around me. I felt like I was chained in my seat. But suddenly I stood up… I did not know how could this happen to me, I could stand up. I attacked the devils. They tried to obstruct my way, but I kept moving forward and cried out, “Jesus, let me in… let me in…!” I saw Him, He was so beautiful… His hands were stretched before me. His eyes were full of love. I knew that I belonged to Him and He was mine. I know that I am saved.”

Today, Doreen lives peacefully in England, along with her husband, family, and friends. She preaches the gospel, tell people about amazing God who has set her free.

“If He could save a woman like me, which was a prostitute, a drugs addict, and a witch, then what would I do? I know He lives, He’s real, and He is mine. He changes me.”



Doreen Irvine



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